Alguns alumnes de cicle mitjà i superior han participat al concurs de color sobre l’asfalt. Quatre parelles han estat guanyadores. Enhorabona als participants i als guanyadors!
Geometric art
The sixth graders have been working on geometrical art. Firstly, they do a geometric black and white tile. When we had all the tiles, we put it together to create a two-dimensional mosaic. Finally, we built a three-dimensional sculptures starting out of the shapes like squares, triangles and pentagons.
We have made these big cactus to decorate the hall of the primary building.
We hope that you like it!
The blue Earth, for whom?
We have participated in The International Environmental Children’s Drawing Contest. The theme is “The blue Earth, for whom?”. Our drawings show the Earth’s inhabitants as insects, plants or microbes too small to be seen with the naked eye. We have sent a lot of drawings to Tokyo!
The 5th graders have been working about pop up drawings. Firstly they have seen pop up drawings about the famous artists. Then they were inspiring and make their draws in pairs. After that they draw, cut and paste the pieces with a little volume to create this wonderful pop up drawings.
Mireu quins dibuixos han fet els nostres alumnes d’EP al llarg dels diferents Cicles i que han estat premiats fa poc al concurs que va organitzat l’Ajuntament sobre Dibuix i Fotografia. Enhorabona a tots els alumnes que han participat i als que han estat escollits guanyadors.
The 6th graders have worked the portraits about celebrities by Andy Warhol. They saw the work of Warhol and inspired by the pop artist they chose the photography of their favourite stars. Then they draw and paint their own famous portrait with a touch of pop.
The pupils of 3EP have worked the sculptures about the pop artist Claes Oldenburg. First, they saw the giant sculptures of this artist around the world like Match cover (Oldenburg, 1987, Barcelona). Then they worked with white clay and paint these fantastic foods. There are pizzas, hot dogs, ice creams, cookies and sweets in this wonderful store inspired by The store (Oldenburg, 1961 – 64).
Els alumnes de 4EP a Visual i Plàstica han elaborat uns pòsters en relació amb el projecte del “Polar bear”. En aquesta ocasió amb el leitmotiv SAVE THE ARCTIC i en col·laboració amb Greenpeace amb la finalitat de contribuir a la lluita per protegir l’ecosistema de l’àrtic.
Aquests són els pòsters elaborats, si feu clic sobre les imatges, us portarà a la web on podreu votar. Compartiu i ajudeu-nos a guanyar el concurs. Moltes gràcies!
I aquí unes imatges del making off…